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GH-X2 by Imagin8

Page history last edited by Imagin8 10 years, 10 months ago

Alternate Reality, MiniGTS, No Growth, Strong, Unfinished


1 - Introduction 
2 - Humiliation
3 - Consolation
4 - Compunction
5 - Abduction
6 - Tribulation



Jack, a 'regular'-sized 17-year-old, struggles to cope with school life in a world populated almost entirely by humans 12 feet tall.


Story Notes:


This story takes place in an alternate universe where regular-size people are the minority, and the world is built for people twice their height.

I’ve sought to represent it as being parallel to our own, in that technology and culture are similar, but with the fundamental difference being the near-universal use of powerful growth hormone treatment in the second half of the 20th Century.

This tale expands upon a similar scenario depicted in ‘Classic Guys’ by SpawnGTS, and was also influenced by the work of authors Stewy, Cayce, Pacii, dud6de, and helplesscase.


Introductory Notes:


This is my first proper 'story'.

I have written a variety of half-formed plot synopses, scenarios, short stories and the like over the last decade or so, but nothing I was especially pleased with. Recently, I was inspired to knuckle down and try and realise a real story, one that captured a lot of elements that I have found powerful from others' writings and get to the nub of what I find fascinating, arousing, moving and ultimately 'mine' within this crazy fetish.

The following is in many ways wish-fulfilment, intensely self-gratifying and crushingly myopic in its formation, but I hope that you will find some things in it that you like. I owe a great deal to the many excellent authors and stories that have inspired me, triggering never-before thought-of ideas and scenarios and enabling me to think of this fetish in fresh and exciting new ways. I am not a born writer, but I apply myself in much the same way as I approach my visual work, trying to be accurate and realistic, and fundamentally to realise my fantasies in some small way.

~ Imagin8


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